BrickStore is freely available as open-source software, but people have asked me if they could support the development with donations:
When you click the Donate button below, you will be taken to the PayPal website where you will be able to donate any amount to the BrickStore project, even on an monthly subscription basis (your credit card will be automatically charged each month via PayPal until you cancel this monthly donation).
Legal notice
By making a donation to the BrickStore project you signify that you acknowledged, understood, accepted, and agreed to the terms and conditions contained in this notice. Your donation to the BrickStore project is voluntary and is not a fee for any services, goods, or advantages, and making a donation to the BrickStore project does not entitle you to any services, goods, or advantages. We have the right to use the money you donate to the BrickStore project in any lawful way and for any lawful purpose we see fit and we are not obligated to disclose the way and purpose to any party unless required by applicable law. Although BrickStore is free software, to our best knowledge the BrickStore project does not have any tax exempt status (the BrickStore project is neither a registered non-profit corporation nor a registered charity in any country). Your donation may or may not be tax-deductible; please consult this with your tax advisor. We will not publish/disclose your name and e-mail address without your consent, unless required by applicable law. Your donation is non-refundable.