ItemType QML Type

This value type represents a BrickLink item type. More...

Import Statement: import BrickLink 1.0


Detailed Description

Each item type in the BrickLink catalog is available as an ItemType object.

You cannot create ItemType objects yourself, but you can retrieve an ItemType object given the id via BrickLink::itemType(). Each Item also has a read-only property Item::itemType.

The currently available item types are

OOriginal Box

Property Documentation

categories : list<Category> [read-only]

A list of Category objects describing all the categories that are referencing at least one item of the given item type.

hasColors : bool [read-only]

Returns true if items under this type can have colors, or false otherwise.

hasInventories : bool [read-only]

Returns true if items under this type can have inventories, or false otherwise.

hasSubConditions : bool [read-only]

Returns true if items under this type can have sub-conditions, or false otherwise.

hasWeight : bool [read-only]

Returns true if items under this type can have weights, or false otherwise.

id : int [read-only]

The BrickLink id of this item type.

isNull : bool [read-only]

Returns whether this ItemType is null. Since this type is a value wrapper around a C++ object, we cannot use the normal JavaScript null notation.

name : string [read-only]

The BrickLink name of this item type.

pictureSize : size [read-only]

The default size and aspect ratio for item pictures of this type.

© 2004-2025 Robert Griebl. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. All trademarks are property of their respective owners.